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Cerissa Rhodes Coaching

Empowered Women Retreat:
Self-care for helping professionals like never experienced

Are you a helping professional—therapist, life or wellness coach, nurse, or a similar role?


Do you find yourself constantly putting others first, overwhelmed by the demands of caring for your family, clients, and work, while feeling like there’s never enough time left for you?


Do you secretly roll your eyes when someone asks, "What do you do for self-care?


Are you juggling the constant balancing act of life, often shrinking yourself and your dreams to avoid offending others?


Do you sometimes feel like an impostor despite all your education, training, and experience?


If any of this resonates, this retreat is for you!


Beach Walkway


The core message of this retreat is to feel, know and understand that as a woman you are powerful! As a helper you have a desire, ability and talent that the world needs! As a caregiver it is your responsibility to take the utmost care of yourself in order to fully show up for others! 

Through this retreat, you'll discover:

  • How breath is the key to life & how to use as a release of tension, trauma & stress

  • How your body physically holds onto stress & what it feels like to finally let go

  • How your mindset can trick you into believing you're less than, rest is a luxury, or you must shrink to be accepted-& how to shift your thinking to feel empowered, motivated, and confident to take up space unapologetically-because YOU after all were created with a purpose, a desire and the world needs you to live this out!






Shoulder Massage


Here is a list of tentative activities scheduled!

30 min Massages

Breathe Work


Sound Therapy

Professional Photoshoot for Headshots

Mindset Workshop

Scheduled Time for Reflection and Journaling


*All activities are subject to change*

Yoga by the Sea
Relaxing Resting Area
Modern Kitchen

Lodging & Food

We will be staying in a AIR BnB Located in the

Outer Banks, of NC.

Exact location is pending.

There will be several sleeping options with varying prices including:

Twin Bunk

Single Occupancy Queen

Shared Occupancy King

Single Occupancy King


We will likely be a short walk

from the beach.


All food & snacks will be provided throughout the retreat including: 



Filtered Water

Sparkling Water

Meals from Friday dinner thru Sunday brunch

Get on the waitlist

Empowered Women Retreat

Tentative Dates 2/7/25-2/9/25

You have been added to the Empowered Women Retreat Waitlist

Check your email for upcoming announcements including registration when it opens.

Warm Up on the Beach
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